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Snowfall Returns to Colorado’s High Peaks: When Will Denver See Its First Snow of the Season?

As summer 2024 nears its end, some parts of Colorado have already experienced their first snowfall. Last night, a cold front brought snow to Pikes Peak, Berthoud Pass, and Rocky Mountain National Park, marking the transition to cooler weather in the higher elevations. With snow making an early appearance in the mountains, the question arises: when will Denver and the surrounding areas see their first snowfall?

Denver's Earliest First Snowfall Dates since 1882 - courtesy of NWS
Denver’s Earliest First Snowfall Dates since 1882 – courtesy of NWS

Historically, Denver’s first measurable snowfall (at least 0.1″) tends to occur around October 18th. However, the city has seen snow much earlier in some years. The earliest recorded snowfall in Denver occurred on September 3, 1961, when 4.2 inches fell across the city. More recently, on September 8, 2020, Denver recorded 1.0 inches of snow, one of the earliest snowfalls in the city’s history. Other early snowfalls include September 12, 1989 (2.3 inches), and September 13, 1993 (5.4 inches).

Denver's Latest First Snowfall Dates since 1882 - courtesy of NWS
Denver’s Latest First Snowfall Dates since 1882 – courtesy of NWS

On the flip side, Denver has also experienced significantly delayed snowfall in some years. The latest first snowfall on record occurred just two years ago, on December 10, 2021, when the city finally received 0.3 inches of snow. Before that, November 21, 1934, saw a first snowfall of 1.0 inches, making it the second-latest date in Denver’s history.

In the last ten years, Denver’s first snowfalls have varied considerably, from as early as September 8, 2020, to as late as December 10, 2021. This variability highlights how unpredictable snowfall patterns can be in the region.

Denver's First Snowfall Dates last 10 Years - courtesy of NWS
Denver’s First Snowfall Dates last 10 Years – courtesy of NWS

Comparing this to other cities in Colorado:

  • Colorado Springs typically sees its first snowfall around October 19th, with the earliest measurable snow recorded on September 3, 1961 (4.2 inches).
  • Pueblo has a later average first snowfall date, around November 4th. However, Pueblo’s earliest measurable snow was on September 17, 1971 (7.3 inches).
  • Alamosa generally experiences its first snow by October 29th, but the earliest measurable snow was recorded on September 3, 1961, with 4.2 inches.

As we move into the cooler months, residents across the state will be keeping an eye on the forecasts, waiting to see when the first flakes will fall in their area. Will this year bring an early snow like in 1961 or a delayed arrival as in 2021? Only time will tell, but Colorado’s unpredictable weather patterns ensure that anything is possible.